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Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services - Domiciliary or Rest Home Environment

Domiciliary, Rest Home, or Custodial Care Services CPT codes 99324 - 99337

Domiciliary, Rest Home (e.g. Boarding Home), or Custodial Care Services, are used to report E/M services to individuals residing in a facility which provides room, board, and other personal assistance services, generally on a long-term basis. 

These codes are also used to report E/M services in an assisted living facility. The facility’s services do not include a medical component.

A home or domiciliary visit includes a patient History, Physical Examination and Medical Decision Making in various levels depending upon a patient’s needs and diagnosis. 

The visits may also be performed as counseling and/or coordination of car, when medically necessary outside the office environment and are an integral part of a continuous of the patient's care. 

The patients seen may have chronic conditions, may be disabled, either physically or mentally, making access to a traditional office visit very difficult, or may have limited support systems. 

The home or domiciliary visit in turn can lead to improved medical care by identification of unmet needs, coordination of treatment with appropriate referrals and potential reduction of acute exacerbation of medical conditions, resulting in less frequent trips to the Hospital or Emergency services.

The home-based health care is rapidly expanding and growth in hospital-based house call programs. 

The Physicians and qualified non-physician practitioners (NPPs) are required to oversee or directly provide progressively more involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture for home visits. 

A Patients must understand the nature of a pre-arranged visit and consent to treatment in the home or domiciliary care facility. There is no requirement that the patient must be homebound. 

If the service is provided to a patient for the first time, the patient, his/her delegate, or another medical provider managing the patient’s care, must request the service. The visiting provider may not directly solicit referrals. 

  • An example of inappropriate solicitation is knocking on residents’ doors or placing calls to residents on the telephone to offer medical care services when there has been no referral from another professional that is already involved in the case.

If laboratory and diagnostic tests are performed during the course of home or domiciliary care visits, they must be documented in the medically necessary reason. Medical reasons for repeat testing must be clearly documented.

Every page of the record must be legible and include appropriate patient identification information (e.g., complete name, dates of service[s]). 

The documentation must include the legible signature of the physician or non-physician practitioner responsible for and providing the care to the patient.

Many elderly patients have chronic conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, orthopedic conditions, and abnormalities of the toenails. 

Required Criteria

  • A home or domiciliary care visit must meet all of the following criteria.
  • Chief complaint or a specific, reasonable, and medical necessity is required for each visit.
  • A payable diagnosis alone does not support medical necessity of ANY service.
  • Medical necessity must exist for each individual visit.
  • Visit will be regarded as a social visit unless medical record clearly documents medical necessity for every visit.
  • Service/visit must be medically reasonable and necessary and not for physician or qualified NPP convenience.
  • Service must be of equal quality to a similar service provided in an office.
  • Frequency of visits required to address any given clinical problem should be dictated by medical necessity rather than site of service.
  • It is expected that frequency of visits for any given medical problem addressed in home setting will not exceed that of an office setting, except on rare occasion.
  • Training of domiciliary staff is not considered medically necessary.
  • The E/M service will not be considered medically necessary when it is performed only to provide supervision for a visiting nurse/home health agency visit(s).

Acceptable Location 

Home based services are provided services which are performed in,

  • Private Residence - Home, apartment, town-home etc.
  • Domiciliary Care Facility - A home providing mainly custodial and personal care for persons who do not require medical or nursing supervision, but may require assistance with activities of daily living because of a physical or mental disability. This may also be referred to as a sheltered living environment.
  • Rest Home - A place where people live and are cared for when they cannot take care of themselves.
  • Custodial Care Services - Custodial care is non-medical assistance, either at home or in a nursing or assisted-living facility with the activities of daily life (such as bathing, eating, dressing, using the toilet) for someone who's unable to fully perform those activities without help.
  • Residential Substance Abuse Facility - A facility which provides treatment for substance (alcohol and drug) abuse to live-in residents.

Place of Service (POS) Codes

  • 12 - Home
  • 13 - Assisted Living Facility (adult living facility)
  • 14 - Group Home
  • 33 - Custodial Care Facility
  • 55 - Residential Substance Abuse Facility

Domiciliary, Rest Home, or Custodial Care Services Listing -CPT 99324 to 99337

CPT   Code Description

99324 Level 1 new patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit  

99325 Level 2 new patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

99326 Level 3 new patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

99327 Level 4 new patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

99328 Level 5 new patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

99334 Level 1 established patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

99335 Level 2 established patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

99336 Level 3 established patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

99337 Level 4 established patient domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care visit

Home Visits Listing - CPT codes 99341 - 99350

  • The Home Services codes, are used to report E/M services furnished to a patient residing in his or her own private residence. 
  • The Private residence considered following, Private home, an apartment, or town home.

CPT    Code Description

99341 Level 1 new patient home visit

99342 Level 2 new patient home visit

99343 Level 3 new patient home visit

99344 Level 4 new patient home visit

99345 Level 5 new patient home visit

99347 Level 1 established patient home visit

99348 Level 2 established patient home visit

99349 Level 3 established patient home visit

99350 Level 4 established patient home visit

Refer New Patient vs. Established Guidelines

Home Health (HH) Billing Updates'2022

Correction to Home Health (HH) Billing for Denial Notices

The implementation of the one-time home health Notice of Admission (NOA) in calendar year 2022, every claim for a home health period of care first required the submission of a Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP).

Correction to the Calculation of 60-Day Gaps in Home Health Services

A sequence of related home health periods of care is defined beginning with an admission to home health services and ending when there is a 60-day gap in home health services.

This 60-day gap is used by Medicare systems for two purposes.
  • It is used to validate whether a home health period of care is correctly coded as an early or later period.
  • It is also used to identify early periods that should pay a Low Utilization Payment Adjustment (LUPA) add-on amount.
  • Medicare administrative contractors recently identified a minor variance between the way the 60-day gap is counted and used for these two purposes.
  • The requirements below revise the counting method used for identifying LUPA add-ons, in order to create consistency.

Submission and Processing

In order to submit a no-payment bill to Medicare under HH PPS, providers must use TOB 0320, and condition code 21.

The claims with condition code 21 and any other TOB will be returned to the provider for correction. 
A Notice of Admission (TOB 032A) is not required before the submission of a claim with TOB 0320 and condition code 21.

The claims to process through the subsequent HH PPS edits in the system, providers are instructed to submit a 0023 revenue line on the claim. 
If no OASIS assessment was done or if the HHA chooses not to perform payment grouping before submitting the claim, report any valid HIPPS code.

The claim must meet other minimum Medicare requirements. If an OASIS assessment was done and the HHA chooses to perform payment grouping for their internal accounting purposes, the HHA may report the resulting HIPPS code.

Simultaneous Covered and Non-Covered Services

In some cases, the providers may need to obtain a Medicare denial notice for non-covered services delivered in the same period as covered services that are part of an HH PPS period of care.

In such cases, the provider should submit a non-payment bill according to the instructions above for the non covered services alone, AND submit the appropriate NOA and claim for the HH PPS period of care.

The period billed under the HH PPS claim and the non-payment bill should be the same. Medicare standard systems and the CWF will allow such duplicate claims to process when all services on one claim are non-covered.

Custodial Care under HH PPS, or Termination of the Benefit during a Period

In certain cases, Medicare allows the use of no payment claims in association with an ABN involving custodial care and termination of a benefit during a period of care.

This does not apply to cases in which a determination is being requested as to the beneficiary’s homebound status at the beginning of a period of care; there an ABN must be used assuming a triggering event occurs (i.e., the initiation of completely non-covered care).

However, in cases where the HH plan of care prescribes only custodial care, or if the benefit has terminated during a previous period, and the physician, beneficiary, and provider are all in agreement the benefit has terminated or does not apply, home health agencies (HHAs) can use,
  • The ABN for notification of the beneficiary,
  • A condition code 21 no-payment claim to bill all subsequent services.

Diagnostic Angiography and Revascularization of Lower Extremity

The Catheterization is divided into two types and there are, 

  • Non Selective Catheter Placement
  • Selective Catheter Placement

Non Selective Catheter Placement

  • The non selective catheter placement is not to be coded with selective catheter placement together. 
  • And the following to be considered as non selective catheter placement, puncture of catheter, Insertion, and placement of catheter into the aorta. 
  • Also, if the catheter does not have any further movement it should be considered as non selective catheter placement.


When the documentation shows that the catheter placement was only in the aorta, the non-selective catheter placement CPT code 36200 is to be coded.

Selective Catheter Placement

  • The selective catheter placement is advanced from the original vessel of puncture sites to another vessels and it should be considered as selective catheter placement.
  • When the catheter is advanced and/or crossed from the aorta and it should be considered as selective catheter placement.


Insertion of a catheter into the aorta is considered non-selective. The catheter can “enter” the aorta, but it is considered a non-selective vessel. When the documentation shows that the catheter placement was only in the aorta, the non-selective catheter placement CPT code 36200 is coded. Once the catheter is placed into a selective artery, the non-selective code is removed and bundled in with the highest of level selective catheter placement. (First order, Second order, Third order).


The documentation states the catheter placed into a 3rd order vascular family (CPT 36247), any non-selective codes (36200), first order (36245), and second order (36246) are considered as bundled with CPT 36247 on the ipsilateral side (same side as catheter placement).Only highest level of catheter placement can be coded for each insertion point. 


The lower extremity endovascular revascularization codes describing services performed for occlusive disease (37220-37235) include catheterization (36200, 36140, 36245-36248) in the work described by the codes. 

Catheterization codes are not additionally reported for diagnostic lower extremity angiography when performed through the same access site as the interventional procedures (37220-37235) performed in the same session. 

However, catheterization for the diagnostic lower extremity angiogram may be reported separately if a different arterial puncture site is necessary.

Diagnostic angiography and radiological supervision and interpretation codes should NOT be used with interventional procedures,

  • Contrast injections, angiography, roadmapping, and/or fluoroscopic guidance for the intervention,
  • Vessel measurement, and
  • Post-angioplasty/stent/atherectomy angiography, as this work is captured in the radiological supervision and interpretation code(s). In those therapeutic codes that include radiological supervision and interpretation, this work is captured in the therapeutic code.

Diagnostic angiography performed at the time of an interventional procedure is separately reportable if,

  • No prior catheter-based angiographic study is available and a full diagnostic study is performed, and the decision to intervene is based on the diagnostic study, OR
  • A prior study is available, but as documented in the medical record:

    • The patient's condition with respect to the clinical indication has changed since the prior study, OR
    • There is inadequate visualization of the anatomy and/or pathology, OR
    • There is a clinical change during the procedure that requires new evaluation outside the target area of intervention.

Diagnostic angiography performed at a separate sessions from an interventional procedure is separately reported.

Lower Extremity Vascular Family 

There are three vascular territories categorized for coding purposes in the lower extremities. There are,

  • Iliac territory - Which included of Common Iliac, Internal Iliac, and External Iliac arteries.
  • Femoral/Popliteal territory - Which has the common femoral, profunda femoral, superficial femoral, and popliteal arteries
  • Tibial/Peroneal territory -  Which includes the Anterior Tibial, Posterior Tibial, and Peroneal arteries.

There is a hierarchy that must be followed when reporting these interventions which is a stent with atherectomy supersedes atherectomy, which supersedes stent, which supersedes angioplasty when performed in the same vessel territory.

Note: Diagnostic angiography performed at the time of an interventional procedure is NOT separately reportable if it is specifically included in the interventional code descriptor.

Tips for Selecting the codes,

Pneumococcal Vaccine Claims Processing Updates April 2022

The Pneumococcal Vaccine CPT codes will be payable by Medicare. The new codes will be in the 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database file update and the annual HCPCS update. 

90677-  Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, 20 valent (PCV20), for intramuscular use.

  • Which is effective for Dates of Service (DOS) on or after July 1, 2021

90671 - Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, 15 valent (PCV15), for intramuscular use

  • Which is effective for DOS on or after July 16, 2021 
  • The CPT 90677 does not apply for Coinsurance and deductible.

A Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) will pay institutional providers for these codes based on the Type of Bill (TOB) used. The two payment methods are,

      1. The Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) will pay these institutional providers using reasonable cost if you use the following,

    • Hospitals (TOBs 12X and 13X)
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities (TOBs 22X and 23X)
    • Home Health Agencies (TOB 34X)
    • Hospital-based Renal Dialysis Facilities (RDFS) (TOB 72X)
    • Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) (TOB 85X)
      2. A MACs will pay these institutional providers based on the lower of the actual charge or 95% of the Average Wholesale Price (AWP) if you use,
    • Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (TOB 75X)
    • Independent RDFs (TOB 72X)
    • Indian Health Services (IHS),
      • Hospitals (TOBs 12X and 13X)
      • Hospices (TOBs 81X and 82X)
      • IHS CAHs (TOB 85X)

A MAC will hold  the claims they get before April 1, 2022, for mentioned below CPT codes,

  • HCPCS code 90677 with DOS on and after July 1, 2021
  • HCPCS code 90671 with DOS on or after July 16, 2021

A MAC will process the claims when Medicare systems are ready on April 4, 2022. Also, your MAC will initiate a mass adjustment for any claims that rejected with HCPCS 90677 with a DOS from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021. 

They will also adjust rejected claims with HCPCS code 90671 with dates of service from July 16, 2021 to March 31, 2022. These adjustments will occur after April 4, 2022.

CPT Changes in April 2022 & July 2022

New CPT Codes Included Effective From April 1st, 2022

CPT Description

0306U Oncology (minimal residual disease [MRD]), next-generation targeted sequencing analysis, cell-free DNA, initial (baseline) assessment to determine a patient specific panel for future comparisons to evaluate for MRD

0307U Oncology (minimal residual disease [MRD]), next-generation targeted sequencing analysis of a patient-specific panel, cell-free DNA, subsequent assessment with comparison to previously analyzed patient specimens to evaluate for MRD

0308U Cardiology (coronary artery disease [CAD]), analysis of 3 proteins (high sensitivity [hs] troponin, adiponectin, and kidney injury molecule-1 [KIM-1]), plasma, algorithm reported as a risk score for obstructive CAD

0309U Cardiology (cardiovascular disease), analysis of 4 proteins (NT-proBNP, osteopontin, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 [TIMP-1], and kidney injury molecule-1 [KIM-1]), plasma, algorithm reported as a risk score for major adverse cardiac event

0310U Pediatrics (vasculitis, Kawasaki disease [KD]), analysis of 3 biomarkers (NTproBNP, C-reactive protein, and T-uptake), plasma, algorithm reported as a risk score for KD

0311U Infectious disease (bacterial), quantitative antimicrobial susceptibility reported as phenotypic minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)–based antimicrobial susceptibility for each organisms identified

0312U Autoimmune diseases (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]), analysis of 8 IgG autoantibodies and 2 cell-bound complement activation products using enzyme-linked immunosorbent immunoassay (ELISA), flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence, serum, or plasma and whole blood, individual components reported along with an algorithmic SLE-likelihood assessment

0313U Oncology (pancreas), DNA and mRNA next-generation sequencing analysis of 74 genes and analysis of CEA (CEACAM5) gene expression, pancreatic cyst fluid, algorithm reported as a categorical result (ie, negative, low probability of neoplasia or positive, high probability of neoplasia)

0314U Oncology (cutaneous melanoma), mRNA gene expression profiling by RT-PCR of 35 genes (32 content and 3 housekeeping), utilizing formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue, algorithm reported as a categorical result (ie, benign, intermediate, malignant)

0315U Oncology (cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma), mRNA gene expression profiling by RT-PCR of 40 genes (34 content and 6 housekeeping), utilizing formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue, algorithm reported as a categorical risk result (ie, Class 1, Class 2A, Class 2B)

0316U Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease), OspA protein evaluation, urine

0317U Oncology (lung cancer), four-probe FISH (3q29, 3p22.1, 10q22.3, 10cen) assay, whole blood, predictive algorithmgenerated evaluation reported as decreased or increased risk for lung cancer

0318U Pediatrics (congenital epigenetic disorders), whole genome methylation analysis by microarray for 50 or more genes, blood

0319U Nephrology (renal transplant), RNA expression by select transcriptome sequencing, using pretransplant peripheral blood, algorithm reported as a risk score for early acute rejection

0320U Nephrology (renal transplant), RNA expression by select transcriptome sequencing, using posttransplant peripheral blood, algorithm reported as a risk score for acute cellular rejection

0321U Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), genitourinary pathogens, identification of 20 bacterial and fungal organisms and identification of 16 associated antibiotic-resistance genes, multiplex amplified probe technique

0322U Neurology (autism spectrum disorder [ASD]), quantitative measurements of 14 acyl carnitines and microbiome-derived metabolites, liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), plasma, results reported as negative or positive for risk of metabolic subtypes associated with ASD

New CPT Codes Included Effective From July 1st, 2022

0714T Transperineal Laser Ablation Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Including Imaging Guidance

0715T Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Lithotripsy (List Separately In Addition To Code For Primary Procedure)

0716T Cardiac Acoustic Waveform Recording With Automated Analysis And Generation Of Coronary Artery Disease Risk Score

0717T Autologous Adipose-Derived Regenerative Cell (Adrc) Therapy For Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear; Adipose Tissue Harvesting, Isolation And Preparation Of Harvested Cells, Including Incubation With Cell Dissociation Enzymes, Filtration, Washing And Concentration Of Adrcs

0718T Autologous Adipose-Derived Regenerative Cell (Adrc) Therapy For Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear; Injection Into Supraspinatus Tendon Including Ultrasound Guidance, Unilateral

0719T Posterior Vertebral Joint Replacement, Including Bilateral Facetectomy, Laminectomy, And Radical Discectomy, Including Imaging Guidance, Lumbar Spine, Single Segment

0720T Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Field Stimulation, Cranial Nerves, Without Implantation

0721T Quantitative Computed Tomography (Ct) Tissue Characterization, Including Interpretation And Report, Obtained Without Concurrent Ct Examination Of Any Structure Contained In Previously Acquired Diagnostic Imaging

0722T Quantitative Computed Tomography (Ct) Tissue Characterization, Including Interpretation And Report, Obtained With Concurrent Ct Examination Of Anystructure Contained In The Concurrently Acquired Diagnostic Imaging Dataset (List Separately In Addition To Code For Primary Procedure)

0723T Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (Qmrcp) Including Data Preparation And Transmission, Interpretation And Report, Obtained Without Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) Examination Of The Same Anatomy (Eg, Organ, Gland, Tissue, Target Structure) During The Same Session

0724T Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (Qmrcp) Including Data Preparation And Transmission, Interpretation And Report, Obtained With Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) Examination Of The Same Anatomy (Eg, Organ, Gland, Tissue, Target Structure) (List Separately In Addition To Code For Primary Procedure)

0725T Vestibular Device Implantation, Unilateral

0726T Removal Of Implanted Vestibular Device, Unilateral

0727T Removal And Replacement Of Implanted Vestibular Device, Unilateral

0728T Diagnostic Analysis Of Vestibular Implant, Unilateral; With Initial Programming

0729T Diagnostic Analysis Of Vestibular Implant, Unilateral; With Subsequent Programming

0730T Trabeculotomy By Laser, Including Optical Coherence Tomography (Oct) Guidance

0731T Augmentative Ai-Based Facial Phenotype Analysis With Report

0732T Immunotherapy Administration With Electroporation, Intramuscular

0733T Remote Body And Limb Kinematic Measurement-Based Therapy Ordered By A Physician Or Other Qualified Health Care Professional; Supply And Technical Support, Per 30 Days

0734T Remote Body And Limb Kinematic Measurement-Based Therapy Ordered By A Physician Or Other Qualified Health Care Professional; Treatment Management Services By A Physician Or Other Qualified Health Care Professional, Per Calendar Month

0735T Preparation Of Tumor Cavity, With Placement Of A Radiation Therapy Applicator For Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (Iort) Concurrent With Primary Craniotomy (List Separately In Addition To Code For Primary Procedure)

0736T Colonic Lavage, 35 Or More Liters Of Water, Gravity-Fed, With Induced Defecation, Including Insertion Of Rectal Catheter

0737T Xenograft Implantation Into The Articular Surface

90584 Dengue Vaccine, Quadrivalent, Live, 2 Dose Schedule, For Subcutaneous Use

Revised CPT Codes Effective From April 1st, 2022

CPT Description

0022U Targeted genomic sequence analysis panel, cholangiocarcinoma and non-small cell lung neoplasia, DNA and RNA analysis, 1-23 genes, interrogation for sequence variants and rearrangements, reported as presence/absence of variants and associated therapy(ies) to consider

Revised CPT Codes Effective From July 1st, 2022

0402T Collagen Cross-Linking Of Cornea, Including Removal Of The Corneal Epithelium, When Performed, And Intraoperative Pachymetry, When Performed

90739 Hepatitis B Vaccine (Hepb), Cpg-Adjuvanted, Adult Dosage, 2 Dose Or 4 Dose Schedule, For Intramuscular Use

Deleted CPT Codes Effective From April 1st, 2022

CPT Description

0097U Gastrointestinal pathogen, multiplex reverse transcription and multiplex amplified probe technique, multiple types or subtypes, 22 targets (Campylobacter [C. jejuni/C. coli/C. upsaliensis], Clostridium difficile [C. difficile] toxin A/B, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Salmonella, Vibrio [V.parahaemolyticus/V. vulnificus/V. cholerae], including specific identification of Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia enterocolitica, Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli [EAEC], Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli [EPEC], Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli [ETEC] lt/st, Shigalike toxin-producing Escherichia coli [STEC] stx1/stx2 [including specific identification of the E. coli O157 serogroup within STEC], Shigella/Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli [EIEC], Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia [also known as G. intestinalis and G. duodenalis], adenovirus F 40/41, astrovirus, norovirus GI/GII, rotavirus A, sapovirus [Genogroups I, II, IV, and V])

0151U Infectious disease (bacterial or viral respiratory tract infection), pathogen specific nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), 33 targets, real-time semi-quantitative PCR, bronchoalveolar lavage, sputum, or endotracheal aspirate, detection of 33 organismal and antibiotic resistance genes with limited semi-quantitative results.


COVID-19 vaccine and Monoclonal Antibody Billing for Part B Providers

Guidelines for COVID-19 vaccines and monoclonal antibodies Billing

The patient can get the vaccines including of booster dose and or additional doses.

The patient administered the vaccine with no out of pocket cost for both vaccines and administration of the vaccines.

Vaccinate everyone, including the uninsured, regardless of coverage or network status.

When COVID-19 vaccine and monoclonal antibody doses are provided by the government without charge, only bill for the vaccine administration. Don't include the vaccine codes on the claim when the vaccines are free.

If the patient is enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan, submit your COVID-19 vaccine and monoclonal antibody infusion claims to Original Medicare in 2020 and 2021. On or after January 1, 2022, claims for vaccine or mAb administrations for Medicare Advantage enrolls should be submitted to the Medicare Advantage plan. 

For services provided to Medicare Advantage enrolls on or after January 1, 2022, contact the Medicare Advantage for guidance on coverage and billing.

Code Description   Vaccine Name Effective date

91300* SARSCOV2 VAC 30MCG/0.3ML IM Pfizer 12/11/2020

0001A ADM SARSCOV2 30MCG/0.3ML 1ST Pfizer 12/11/2020

0002A ADM SARSCOV2 30MCG/0.3ML 2ND Pfizer 12/11/2020

0003A ADM SARSCOV2 30MCG/0.3ML 3RD Pfizer 08/12/2021

0004A ADM SARSCOV2 30MCG/0.3ML BST Pfizer 09/22/2021

91301* SARSCOV2 VAC 100MCG/0.5ML IM Moderna 12/18/2020

0011A ADM SARSCOV2 100MCG/0.5ML1ST Moderna 12/18/2020

0012A ADM SARSCOV2 100MCG/0.5ML2ND Moderna 12/18/2020

0013A ADM SARSCOV2 100MCG/0.5ML3RD Moderna 08/12/2021

91303* SARSCOV2 VAC AD26 .5ML IM Janssen 02/27/2021

0031A ADM SARSCOV2 VAC AD26 .5ML Janssen 02/27/2021

0034A ADM SARSCOV2 VAC AD26 .5ML B Janssen 10/20/2021

91305* SARSCOV2 VAC 30 MCG TRS-SUCR Pfizer 01/03/2022

0051A ADM SARSCV2 30MCG TRS-SUCR 1 Pfizer 01/03/2022

0052A ADM SARSCV2 30MCG TRS-SUCR 2 Pfizer 01/03/2022

0053A ADM SARSCV2 30MCG TRS-SUCR 3 Pfizer 01/03/2022

0054A ADM SARSCV2 30MCG TRS-SUCR B Pfizer 01/03/2022

91306* SARSCOV2 VAC 50MCG/0.25ML IM Moderna 10/20/2021

0064A ADM SARSCOV2 50MCG/0.25MLBST Moderna 10/20/2021

91307* SARSCOV2 VAC 10 MCG TRS-SUCR Pfizer 10/29/2021

0071A ADM SARSCV2 10MCG TRS-SUCR 1 Pfizer 10/29/2021

0072A ADM SARSCV2 10MCG TRS-SUCR 2 Pfizer 10/29/2021

0073A ADM SARSCV2 10MCG TRS-SUCR 3 Pfizer 01/03/2022

M0201** COVID-19 vaccine home admin N/A 06/08/2021

**Providers should not bill for the product if they received it for free.

**The services are covered only in places of service 04, 06, 09, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 33, 54, 55, 56, and 60

Monoclonal antibodies and administration

Code Description             Effective date

Q0220* Tixagev and cilgav, 300mg 12/08/2021

Q0221* Tixagev and cilgav, 600mg 02/24/2022

M0220 Tixagev and cilgav inj 12/08/2021

M0221 Tixagev and cilgav inj hm 12/08/2021

Q0222* Bebtelovimab 175 mg 02/11/2022

M0222 Bebtelovimab injection 02/11/2022

M0223 Bebtelovimab injection home 02/11/2022

Q0239* bamlanivimab-xxxx 11/10/2020 – 04/16/2021

M0239 bamlanivimab-xxxx infusion 11/10/2020 – 04/16/2021

Q0240* Casirivi and imdevi 600mg 07/30/2021

M0240 Casiri and imdev repeat 07/30/2021

M0241 Casiri and imdev repeat hm 07/30/2021

Q0243* casirivimab and imdevimab 11/21/2020

M0243 Casirivi and imdevi inj 11/21/2020

Q0244* casirivi and imdevi 1200 mg 06/03/2021

M0244 Casirivi and imdevi inj hm 05/06/2021

Q0245* bamlanivimab and etesevima 02/09/2021

M0245 bamlan and etesev infusion 02/09/2021

M0246 bamlan and etesev infus home 05/06/2021

Q0247** sotrovimab 05/26/2021

M0247 sotrovimab infusion 05/26/2021

M0248 sotrovimab inf, home admin 05/26/2021

Q0249** Tocilizumab for COVID-19 06/24/2021

M0249 Adm Tocilizu COVID-19 1st 06/24/2021

M0250 Adm Tocilizu COVID-19 2nd 06/24/2021


  • *Providers should not bill for the product if they received it for free.
  • **The government won’t provide this drug for free.

Fee Schedule Updates - 2022

The fee schedule is a complete listing of fees used by Medicare to pay doctors or other providers/suppliers. The CMS develops a fee schedules for following services,
  • Physicians Services,
  • Ambulance services,
  • Clinical laboratory services, 
  • Durable Medical Equipment Services,
  • Prosthetics Services,
  • Orthotics Services,
  • Supplies Services.

The Overall, neurosurgery will receive a 3.2% payment cut in 2022. The cut stems from a lower conversion factor from $34.89 in 2021 to $33.58 in 2022. 

In the final rule CMS lowered the conversion factor (CF) from $34.89 in calendar year of 2021 to $33.59 for CY 2022, a decrease of $1.30 (-3.7%). 

This is due in part to the expiration of the 3.75% payment increase provided for in Year of 2021 by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021

With the 2% Medicare sequester set to resume next year and additional Medicare payment cuts of up to 4% possible under pay-as-you-go rules to pay for the American Rescue Plan, providers could be facing up to 9% in payment cuts next year unless Congress intervenes.

Absent congressional actions, a 9.75% cut was scheduled effective January 1, 2022.

*Congress reduced 3% of the scheduled 3.75% cut to the Medicare Physician CF.

Evaluation and management (E/M) visits

The CMS clarifies and refines policies related to split (or shared) evaluation and management (E/M) visits, critical care services, and services furnished by teaching physicians involving residents. 

The Split (or shared) E/M visits are defined as visits provided in a facility setting by a physician and a non-physician provider in the same group. 

The practitioner who provides the substantive portion of the visit would bill for the visit. For 2022, the substantive portion is determined based on the below information,

  • Medical History, 
  • Physical Exam, 
  • Medical Decision Making OR 
  • More than half of the total time.

Additionally, critical care services will not be bundled in a global surgical period if unrelated to the surgical procedure. 

The rule clarifies that when a resident participates in providing a service, only the time the teaching physician was present can be included in determining the E/M visit level. Under the primary care exception, only medical decision-making would be used to select the visit level.

Modifier GC to be used when the teaching physician rendered the service to indicate as " The services performed in part by a resident under the direction of a teaching physician.

The CMS permits certain services added to the Medicare telehealth list to remain on the list until December 31, 2023, to collect data to determine whether services should be permanently added to the telehealth list following the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE).

Payment Modifier Details 

Payment modifiers are accounted for in the creation of the file consistent with current payment policy as implemented in claims processing. 

  • For example, services billed with the assistant at surgery modifier are paid 16 percent of the PFS amount for that service; therefore, the utilization file is modified to only account for 16 percent of any service that contains the assistant at surgery modifier.

Telehealth eye exam

The CMS continues to evaluate the inclusion of telehealth services that were temporarily added during the COVID-19 public health emergency, the agency finalized certain services added to the Medicare telehealth services list through Dec. 31, 2023. 

The AOA raised concerns with the inclusion of the eye exam codes on the telehealth covered services list, yet CMS did not address these codes. However, it did note that all services on the current telehealth covered services list would remain until 2023.

ICD 10 CM Updates

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