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Showing posts with label PHE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHE. Show all posts

Telehealth Update Medicare - 2022

The listed CPT codes are covered in telehealth and changes are effective from dated on June 16, 2022

Medicare telehealth services require that the services occur over real-time audio and visual interactive telecommunications. For purposes of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of mental health disorders.

If the patient doesn’t have the technical capacity or the availability of real-time audio and visual interactive telecommunications, or they don’t consent to the use of real-time video technology, we allow audio-only communication for telehealth mental health services to established patients located in their homes.

After the PHE ends, Telehealth Mental Health services may include new or established patients so long as an in-person, face-to-face, non-telehealth service takes place within 6 months of the telehealth mental health services.

This means that all telehealth mental health patients should have had a first in-person visit no later than 6 months after the PHE.

After the PHE and after the initial 6-month in-person visit, all telehealth mental health patients must have a subsequent non-telehealth in-person visit within 12 months of the initial 6-month in-person visit date

During the initial 6-month in-person visit or during the subsequent 12-month in-person visits, if the original telehealth practitioner is unavailable for the face-to-face visit, we allow the clinician’s colleague in the same subspecialty and in the same group practice, to provide the in-person, non-telehealth service to the patient.

There are two additional modifiers for the current year in 2022 that relate to telehealth mental health services. The modifiers are, 

  • FQ - A telehealth service was furnished using real-time audio-only communication technology
  • FR - A supervising practitioner was present through a real-time two-way, audio/video communication technology

COVID-19 updates UnitedHealthcare

Temporary cost-share waivers extended to Oct. 17, 2021

The national public health emergency has been extended from July 19, 2021, to Oct. 17, 2021. Below is an overview of how that extension affects temporary provisions for COVID-19 testing and testing-related visits.

Individual Exchange, Individual and Group Market health plans: 

  • From Feb. 4, 2020, through the national public health emergency period, United Healthcare is waiving cost-sharing for in-network and out-of-network COVID-19 tests and testing-related visits.

Medicare Advantage: 

  • From Feb. 4, 2020, through the national public health emergency period, United Healthcare is waiving cost-sharing for in-network and out-of-network tests for COVID-19, including testing-related telehealth visits.


  • State-specific rules and other state regulations may apply. For Medicaid and other state-specific regulations, please refer to your state-specific website or your state’s United Healthcare Community Plan website. 

COVID - 19 Vaccine Updates - May'2021

The FDA is recommended to use "Pfizer-BioNTech" COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents aged 12-15 years.  

On May 12, 2021, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the use of the "Pfizer-BioNTech" COVID-19 vaccine in adolescents aged 12-15 years, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky adopted this ACIP recommendation.

All COVID-19 vaccination providers are directed and required to make available and administer COVID-19 vaccine to all persons eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine consistent with the applicable Emergency Use Authorizations for such products.   

The COVID-19 vaccines themselves are free to everyone 12 years and older in the United States, but providers incur costs associated with administering them, training staff, and storing the vaccine. 

If these services are not covered by a patient’s health plan or only partially covered, providers are not allowed to balance bill the patients.

Claims for reimbursement will be priced as described below for eligible services,

Vaccine administration fees will be priced based on national Medicare rates for administering the COVID-19 vaccine (not geographically adjusted) and are outlined below,

For dates of service through March 14, 2021:-

  • Administration of a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine - $28.39
  • Administration of the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine requiring a series of two or more doses - $16.94
  • Administration of the final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine requiring a series of two or more doses - $28.39

For dates of service on or after March 15, 2021:-

  • Administration (per dose) of a COVID-19 vaccine - $40.00
  • Reimbursement will be based on the incurred date of service.

Click here for COVID-19 Lab Code Updates

HRSA COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund and Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Payment Limits

HRSA COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund 

The Biden-Harris Administration is providing free access to COVID-19 vaccines for every adult living in the United States. 

Accordingly, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund (CAF) will cover the costs of administering COVID-19 vaccines to patients whose health insurance doesn’t cover vaccine administration fees, or does but typically has patient cost-sharing. 

While patients cannot be billed directly for the COVID-19 vaccine fees, costs to health care providers on the front lines for administering COVID-19 vaccines to underinsured patients will now be fully covered through CAF, subject to available funding. 

As vaccination efforts accelerate, patients will increasingly gain access to COVID-19 vaccines at locations near where they live with providers they trust.

Providers are eligible for claims reimbursement if they have administered Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized COVID-19 vaccines under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or FDA-licensed COVID-19 vaccines under a Biologics License Application (BLA) to individuals whose health plan does not cover vaccine administration fees, or does but typically has patient cost-sharing.

The eligible providers will be reimbursed at national Medicare rates for vaccine administration fees, and for any patient cost-sharing related to vaccination, including,

  • Co-pays
  • Deductibles,
  • Co-insurance

Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Payment Limits

Effective January 1, 2021, the RHC payment limit per visit for Calendar Year (CY) 2021 is $87.52. This payment limit applies to independent RHCs and RHCs that are provider-based to a hospital with 50 or more beds.

Beginning April 1, 2021, the RHCs will begin to receive an increase in their payment limit per visit over an 8-year period, with a prescribed amount for each year from 2021, through 2028. 

Then, in subsequent years, the limit is updated by the percentage increase in MEI applicable to primary care services furnished as of the first day of that year.

The RHC payment limit per visit over an 8-year period is as follows,

  • In 2021, after March 31, at $100 per visit
  • In 2022, at $113 per visit
  • In 2023, at $126 per visit
  • In 2024, at $139 per visit
  • In 2025, at $152 per visit
  • In 2026, at $165 per visit
  • In 2027, at $178 per visit
  • In 2028, at $190 per visit

New Updates for COVID-19 Lab Codes

Modifier QW

The Medicare and Medicaid only pay for laboratory tests performed in certified facilities, each claim for a HCPCS code that is considered a CLIA laboratory test is currently edited at the CLIA certificate level. 

To be recognized as a test that can be performed in a facility having a CLIA certificate of waiver for listed below CPT codes and the modifier QW must be added.

The CMS released updates for adding modifier QW for COVID-19 lab codes with effective date of service.

  • The Medicare contractor shall permit the use of code 87636 QW for claims submitted by facilities with a valid, current CLIA certificate of waiver with dates of service on or after October 6, 2020 and effective from July 1, 2021
  • The Medicare contractor shall permit the use of code 87428 QW for claims submitted by facilities with a valid, current CLIA certificate of waiver with dates of service on or after November 10, 2020.

  • The Medicare contractor shall permit the use of code 87811 QW for claims submitted by facilities with a valid, current CLIA certificate of waiver with dates of service on or after October 6, 2020.

    • The Medicare contractor shall permit the use of code 87635 QW for claims submitted by facilities with a valid, current CLIA certificate of waiver with dates of service on or after March 20, 2020.

    New Codes Effective November 10, 2020

    • 87428 - Infectious agent antigen detection by immunoassay technique, (eg, enzyme immunoassay [EIA], enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA], fluorescence immunoassay [FIA], immunochemiluminometric assay [IMCA]) qualitative or semiquantitative; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (eg, SARS-CoV, SARSCoV-2 [COVID-19]) and influenza virus types A and B

    New Codes Effective October 6, 2020 

    The listed new codes are on the national HCPCS file with an effective date of October 6, 2020 and do not need to be manually added to the HCPCS files by the MACs. 

    However, these new codes are contractor priced (where applicable) until they are nationally priced and undergoes the CLFS annual payment determination process in accordance with the Social Security Act § 1833(h)(8), § 1834A(c) and § 1834(A)(f).

    • 87636 - Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) and influenza virus types A and B, multiplex amplified probe technique.
    • 87637 - Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana, amplified probe technique severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]), influenza virus types A and B, and respiratory syncytial virus, multiplex amplified probe technique
    • 87811 -  Infectious agent antigen detection by immunoassay with direct optical (ie, visual) observation; Streptococcus, group B severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]).

    COVID-19 news National public health emergency extended to July 19, 2021

    The national public health emergency has been extended from April 20, 2021, to July 19, 2021. Below is an overview of how that extension affects temporary provisions for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services for major payers


    Individual Exchange, Individual and Group Market health plans: From Feb. 4, 2020 through the national public health emergency period, UnitedHealthcare is waiving cost sharing for in-network and out-of-network COVID-19 tests and testing-related services, including testing-related telehealth visits.

    Medicare Advantage: From Feb. 4, 2020 through the national public health emergency period, UnitedHealthcare is waiving cost sharing for in-network and out-of-network tests for COVID-19.

    Medicaid: State-specific rules and other state regulations may apply. For Medicaid and other state-specific regulations, please refer to your state-specific website or your state’s UnitedHealthcare Community Plan website, if applicable.


    Aetna’s liberalized coverage of Commercial telemedicine services, as described in its telemedicine policy, will continue until further notice

    For Individual Aetna Medicare Advantage members, copays are waived for in-network telehealth visits for primary care through the end of the Public Health Emergency.


    The cost-share waiver for COVID-19 diagnostic testing and related office visits is in place until the end of Public Health Emergency (PHE) period said by Cigna

    Interim accommodations for credentialing are extended through the end of the public health emergency period, currently through April 20, 2021


    To support providers with caring for their Humana patients while promoting both patient and provider safety, we have updated our existing telehealth policy for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE)

    Temporary expansion of telehealth service scope and reimbursement rules

    To ease systemic burdens arising from COVID-19 and support shelter-in-place orders, Humana is encouraging the use of telehealth services to care for its members. 

    Please refer to CMS, state and plan coverage guidelines for additional information regarding services that can be delivered via telehealth

    Repayment of COVID-19 Accelerated and Advance Payments

    All Medicare providers and suppliers who requested and received CAAPs that we began recovering those payments as early as March 30, 2021, depending upon the 1 year anniversary of when you received your first payment. 

    It also gives information on how to identify recovered payments. 

    Title V (Section 2501) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act, enacted on October 1, 2020, amended the CAAP repayment terms for all providers and suppliers who requested and received CAAPs during the COVID-19 PHE and established a lower interest rate of 4% for any demanded overpayments to recover CAAP balances due. 

    The CAAP repayment terms provide as follows,
    • Repayment begins 1 year starting from the date we issued your first CAAP.
    • Beginning 1 year from the date we issued the CAAP and continuing for 11 months, we’ll recover the CAAP from Medicare payments due to providers and suppliers at a rate of 25%.
    • After the end of this 11 month period, we’ll continue to recover the remaining CAAP from Medicare payments due to providers and suppliers at a rate of 50% for 6 months.
    • After the end of the 6 month period, your Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) will issue you a demand letter for full repayment of any remaining balance of the CAAP. 
    • If we don’t receive a payment within 30 days, interest will accrue at the rate of 4% from the date your MAC issues you the demand letter. 
    • After that, we’ll assess interest for each full 30-day period that you fail to repay the balance.
    If you received an accelerated or advance payment, CMS will begin to recoup any outstanding balance from any payments due to you from your Medicare claims. 

    This began as soon as March 30, 2021, depending upon the 1 year anniversary of when you received your first payment

    Revised Guidelines for CPT 99441 - 99443

    CMS will pay for phone calls using codes 99441—99443. The 4/30/20 rule adds these to the telehealth list and increased payment for these services

    These codes previously had a non-covered status and the Physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants should use codes 99441—99443
    • 99441 - Telephone evaluation and management service by a physician or other qualified health care professional who may report evaluation and management services provided to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of medical discussion
    • 99442 - Telephone evaluation and management service by a physician or other qualified health care professional who may report evaluation and management services provided to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 11-20 minutes of medical discussion
    • 99443 - Telephone evaluation and management service by a physician or other qualified health care professional who may report evaluation and management services provided to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 21-30 minutes of medical discussion
    CMS continues did not add 98966–98968 to the telehealth list,

    Other qualified health care professionals who may bill Medicare for their services, such as registered dietitians, social workers, speech language pathologists and physical and occupational therapists should use codes 98966—98968
    • 98966 - Telephone assessment and management service provided by a qualified non physician health care professional to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related assessment and management service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an assessment and management service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of medical discussion
    • 98967 - Telephone assessment and management service provided by a qualified non physician health care professional to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related assessment and management service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an assessment and management service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 11-20 minutes of medical discussion
    • 98968 - Telephone assessment and management service provided by a qualified nonphysician health care professional to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related assessment and management service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an assessment and management service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 21-30 minutes of medical discussion
    New! 99441–99443 have been added to the telehealth list, so use the place of service that would have been furnished. In most cases, this will be place of service office (11) or outpatient department (19, 22). Since they are now telehealth services, add modifier 95

    CMS has changed the rates for codes 99441–99443 to the rates for 99212–99214.

    ***Telephone codes 99441–99443 require audio only but will pay at the rates of 99212–99214 

    UHC Telehealth Updates

    The CMS fee schedule changes for audio-only codes, providers will continue to be reimbursed for audio-only visits at the rate they would receive for audio-video or in-person codes. 

    The CMS rates for audio-only telephonic evaluation and management (E/M) codes, as well as virtual check-ins (which may be done by telephone) and e-visits for established patients for dates of service on or after March 1, 2020.

    Audio-only visits and other services not requiring video technology include 

    Audio-only (telephone) E/M services 

    • 99441 - Telephone evaluation and management service by a physician or other qualified health care professional who may report evaluation and management services provided to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of medical discussion
    • 99442 - Telephone evaluation and management service by a physician or other qualified health care professional who may report evaluation and management services provided to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 11-20 minutes of medical discussion
    • 99443 - Telephone evaluation and management service by a physician or other qualified health care professional who may report evaluation and management services provided to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 21-30 minutes of medical discussion 

    Online digital E/M services/e-visits 

    • 99421 - Online digital evaluation and management service, for an established patient, for up to 7 days, cumulative time during the 7 days; 5-10 minutes
    • 99422 - Online digital evaluation and management service, for an established patient, for up to 7 days, cumulative time during the 7 days; 11-20 minutes
    • 99423 - Online digital evaluation and management service, for an established patient, for up to 7 days, cumulative time during the 7 days; 21 or more minutes
    • 98970 - Qualified nonphysician health care professional online digital assessment and management, for an established patient, for up to 7 days, cumulative time during the 7 days; 5-10 minutes
    • 98971 - Qualified nonphysician health care professional online digital assessment and management, for an established patient, for up to 7 days, cumulative time during the 7 days; 11-20 minutes
    • 98972 - Qualified nonphysician health care professional online digital assessment and management, for an established patient, for up to 7 days, cumulative time during the 7 days; 21 or more minutes

    Virtual check Codes

    • G2010 - Remote evaluation of recorded video and/or images submitted by an established patient (e.g., store and forward), including interpretation with follow-up with the patient within 24 business hours, not originating from a related e/m service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an e/m service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment
    • G2012 - Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a physician or other qualified health care professional who can report evaluation and management services, provided to an established patient, not originating from a related e/m service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an e/m service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of medical discussion
    And additional codes starting Jan. 1, 2021
    • G2250 - Remote assessment of recorded video and/or images submitted by an established patient (e.g., store and forward), including interpretation with follow-up with the patient within 24 business hours, not originating from a related service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to a service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment
    • G2251 - Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a qualified health care professional who cannot report evaluation and management services, provided to an established patient, not originating from a related service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to a service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of clinical discussion
    • G2252 - Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a physician or other qualified health care professional who can report evaluation and management services, provided to an established patient, not originating from a related e/m service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an e/m service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 11-20 minutes of medical discussion

    Audio and video visits and other services requiring video technology include,

    • The service rendered through “real-time;” a two-way, face-to-face interaction between a patient and a provider using audiovisual communications technology.
    • Office and or Outpatients CPT codes 99201 - 99215

    Place Of Service


    United HealthCare initially covered the service when submitted with a place of service with modifier 95, but effective from Jan 1st, 2021, the UHC denied as the service billed with an inappropriate place of service or invalid.

    The UHC shared the billing guidelines for telehealth states as following,

    Starting Jan 1st, 2021, eligible telehealth service will be considered for reimbursement when reported with a place of service (POS) 02. Modifier 95, GT, GQ, GO not required and the place of service 02 will be considered the service rendered through telehealth.

    Telehealth Services

    The below list of services payable under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule when furnished via telehealth during the PHE (Public Health Emergency)

    CPT Short Descriptor

    77427 Radiation tx management x5

    90785 Psytx complex interactive

    90791 Psych diagnostic evaluation

    90792 Psych diag eval w/med srvcs

    90832 Psytx w pt 30 minutes

    90833 Psytx w pt w e/m 30 min

    90834 Psytx w pt 45 minutes

    90836 Psytx w pt w e/m 45 min

    90837 Psytx w pt 60 minutes

    90838 Psytx w pt w e/m 60 min

    90839 Psytx crisis initial 60 min

    90840 Psytx crisis ea addl 30 min

    90845 Psychoanalysis

    90846 Family psytx w/o pt 50 min

    90847 Family psytx w/pt 50 min

    90853 Group psychotherapy

    90875 Psychophysiological therapy

    90951 Esrd serv 4 visits p mo <2yr

    90952 Esrd serv 2-3 vsts p mo <2yr

    90953 Esrd serv 1 visit p mo <2yrs

    90954 Esrd serv 4 vsts p mo 2-11

    90955 Esrd srv 2-3 vsts p mo 2-11

    90956 Esrd srv 1 visit p mo 2-11

    90957 Esrd srv 4 vsts p mo 12-19

    90958 Esrd srv 2-3 vsts p mo 12-19

    90959 Esrd serv 1 vst p mo 12-19

    90960 Esrd srv 4 visits p mo 20+

    90961 Esrd srv 2-3 vsts p mo 20+

    90962 Esrd serv 1 visit p mo 20+

    90963 Esrd home pt serv p mo <2yrs

    90964 Esrd home pt serv p mo 2-11

    90965 Esrd home pt serv p mo 12-19

    90966 Esrd home pt serv p mo 20+

    90967 Esrd svc pr day pt <2

    90968 Esrd svc pr day pt 2-11

    90969 Esrd svc pr day pt 12-19

    90970 Esrd svc pr day pt 20+

    92002 Eye exam new patient

    92004 Eye exam new patient

    92012 Eye exam establish patient

    92014 Eye exam&tx estab pt 1/>vst

    92507 Speech/hearing therapy

    92508 Speech/hearing therapy

    92521 Evaluation of speech fluency

    92522 Evaluate speech production

    92523 Speech sound lang comprehen

    92524 Behavral qualit analys voice

    92526 Oral function therapy

    92550 Tympanometry & reflex thresh

    92552 Pure tone audiometry air

    92553 Audiometry air & bone

    92555 Speech threshold audiometry

    92556 Speech audiometry complete

    92557 Comprehensive hearing test

    92563 Tone decay hearing test

    92565 Stenger test pure tone

    92567 Tympanometry

    92568 Acoustic refl threshold tst

    92570 Acoustic immitance testing

    92587 Evoked auditory test limited

    92601 Cochlear implt f/up exam <7

    92602 Reprogram cochlear implt <7

    92603 Cochlear implt f/up exam 7/>

    92604 Reprogram cochlear implt 7/>

    92607 Ex for speech device rx 1hr

    92608 Ex for speech device rx addl

    92609 Use of speech device service

    92610 Evaluate swallowing function

    92625 Tinnitus assessment

    92626 Eval aud funcj 1st hour

    92627 Eval aud funcj ea addl 15

    93750 Interrogation vad in person

    93797 Cardiac rehab

    93798 Cardiac rehab/monitor

    94002 Vent mgmt inpat init day

    94003 Vent mgmt inpat subq day

    94004 Vent mgmt nf per day

    94005 Home vent mgmt supervision

    94664 Evaluate pt use of inhaler

    95970 Alys npgt w/o prgrmg

    95971 Alys smpl sp/pn npgt w/prgrm

    95972 Alys cplx sp/pn npgt w/prgrm

    95983 Alys brn npgt prgrmg 15 min

    95984 Alys brn npgt prgrmg addl 15

    96105 Assessment of aphasia

    96110 Developmental screen w/score

    96112 Devel tst phys/qhp 1st hr

    96113 Devel tst phys/qhp ea addl

    96116 Nubhvl xm phys/qhp 1st hr

    96121 Nubhvl xm phy/qhp ea addl hr

    96125 Cognitive test by hc pro

    96127 Brief emotional/behav assmt

    96130 Psycl tst eval phys/qhp 1st

    96131 Psycl tst eval phys/qhp ea

    96132 Nrpsyc tst eval phys/qhp 1st

    96133 Nrpsyc tst eval phys/qhp ea

    96136 Psycl/nrpsyc tst phy/qhp 1st

    96137 Psycl/nrpsyc tst phy/qhp ea

    96138 Psycl/nrpsyc tech 1st

    96139 Psycl/nrpsyc tst tech ea

    96156 Hlth bhv assmt/reassessment

    96158 Hlth bhv ivntj indiv 1st 30

    96159 Hlth bhv ivntj indiv ea addl

    96160 Pt-focused hlth risk assmt

    96161 Caregiver health risk assmt

    96164 Hlth bhv ivntj grp 1st 30

    96165 Hlth bhv ivntj grp ea addl

    96167 Hlth bhv ivntj fam 1st 30

    96168 Hlth bhv ivntj fam ea addl

    96168 Hlth bhv ivntj fam ea addl

    96170 Hlth bhv ivntj fam wo pt 1st

    96171 Hlth bhv ivntj fam w/o pt ea

    97110 Therapeutic exercises

    97112 Neuromuscular reeducation

    97116 Gait training therapy

    97129 Ther ivntj 1st 15 min

    97130 Ther ivntj ea addl 15 min

    97150 Group therapeutic procedures

    97151 Bhv id assmt by phys/qhp

    97152 Bhv id suprt assmt by 1 tech

    97153 Adaptive behavior tx by tech

    97154 Grp adapt bhv tx by tech

    97155 Adapt behavior tx phys/qhp

    97156 Fam adapt bhv tx gdn phy/qhp

    97157 Mult fam adapt bhv tx gdn

    97158 Grp adapt bhv tx by phy/qhp

    97161 Pt eval low complex 20 min

    97162 Pt eval mod complex 30 min

    97163 Pt eval high complex 45 min

    97164 Pt re-eval est plan care

    97165 Ot eval low complex 30 min

    97166 Ot eval mod complex 45 min

    97167 Ot eval high complex 60 min

    97168 Ot re-eval est plan care

    97530 Therapeutic activities

    97535 Self care mngment training

    97542 Wheelchair mngment training

    97750 Physical performance test

    97755 Assistive technology assess

    97760 Orthotic mgmt&traing 1st enc

    97761 Prosthetic traing 1st enc

    97802 Medical nutrition indiv in

    97803 Med nutrition indiv subseq

    97804 Medical nutrition group

    99202 Office/outpatient visit new

    99203 Office/outpatient visit new

    99204 Office/outpatient visit new

    99205 Office/outpatient visit new

    99211 Office/outpatient visit est

    99212 Office/outpatient visit est

    99213 Office/outpatient visit est

    99214 Office/outpatient visit est

    99215 Office/outpatient visit est

    99217 Observation care discharge

    99218 Initial observation care

    99219 Initial observation care

    99220 Initial observation care

    99221 Initial hospital care

    99222 Initial hospital care

    99223 Initial hospital care

    99224 Subsequent observation care

    99225 Subsequent observation care

    99226 Subsequent observation care

    99231 Subsequent hospital care

    99232 Subsequent hospital care

    99233 Subsequent hospital care

    99234 Observ/hosp same date

    99235 Observ/hosp same date

    99236 Observ/hosp same date

    99238 Hospital discharge day

    99239 Hospital discharge day

    99281 Emergency dept visit

    99282 Emergency dept visit

    99283 Emergency dept visit

    99284 Emergency dept visit

    99285 Emergency dept visit

    99291 Critical care first hour

    99292 Critical care addl 30 min

    99304 Nursing facility care init

    99305 Nursing facility care init

    99306 Nursing facility care init

    99307 Nursing fac care subseq

    99308 Nursing fac care subseq

    99309 Nursing fac care subseq

    99310 Nursing fac care subseq

    99315 Nursing fac discharge day

    99316 Nursing fac discharge day

    99324 Domicil/r-home visit new pat

    99325 Domicil/r-home visit new pat

    99326 Domicil/r-home visit new pat

    99327 Domicil/r-home visit new pat

    99328 Domicil/r-home visit new pat

    99334 Domicil/r-home visit est pat

    99335 Domicil/r-home visit est pat

    99336 Domicil/r-home visit est pat

    99337 Domicil/r-home visit est pat

    99341 Home visit new patient

    99342 Home visit new patient

    99343 Home visit new patient

    99344 Home visit new patient

    99345 Home visit new patient

    99347 Home visit est patient

    99348 Home visit est patient

    99349 Home visit est patient

    99350 Home visit est patient

    99354 Prolong e&m/psyctx serv o/p

    99355 Prolong e&m/psyctx serv o/p

    99356 Prolonged service inpatient

    99357 Prolonged service inpatient

    99406 Behav chng smoking 3-10 min

    99407 Behav chng smoking > 10 min

    99441 Phone e/m phys/qhp 5-10 min

    99442 Phone e/m phys/qhp 11-20 min

    99443 Phone e/m phys/qhp 21-30 min

    99468 Neonate crit care initial

    99469 Neonate crit care subsq

    99471 Ped critical care initial

    99472 Ped critical care subsq

    99473 Self-meas bp pt educaj/train

    99475 Ped crit care age 2-5 init

    99476 Ped crit care age 2-5 subsq

    99477 Init day hosp neonate care

    99478 Ic lbw inf < 1500 gm subsq

    99479 Ic lbw inf 1500-2500 g subsq

    99480 Ic inf pbw 2501-5000 g subsq

    99483 Assmt & care pln pt cog imp

    99495 Trans care mgmt 14 day disch

    99496 Trans care mgmt 7 day disch

    99497 Advncd care plan 30 min

    99498 Advncd care plan addl 30 min

    0373T Adapt bhv tx ea 15 min

    S9152 Speech therapy, re-eval

    0362T Bhv id suprt assmt ea 15 min

    G0108 Diab manage trn  per indiv

    G0109 Diab manage trn ind/group

    G0270 Mnt subs tx for change dx

    G0296 Visit to determ ldct elig

    G0396 Alcohol/subs interv 15-30mn

    G0397 Alcohol/subs interv >30 min

    G0406 Inpt/tele follow up 15

    G0407 Inpt/tele follow up 25

    G0408 Inpt/tele follow up 35

    G0410 Grp psych partial hosp 45-50

    G0420 Ed svc ckd ind per session

    G0421 Ed svc ckd grp per session

    G0422 Intens cardiac rehab w/exerc

    G0423 Intens cardiac rehab no exer

    G0424 Pulmonary rehab w exer

    G0425 Inpt/ed teleconsult30

    G0426 Inpt/ed teleconsult50

    G0427 Inpt/ed teleconsult70

    G0438 Ppps, initial visit

    G0439 Ppps, subseq visit

    G0442 Annual alcohol screen 15 min

    G0443 Brief alcohol misuse counsel

    G0444 Depression screen annual

    G0445 High inten beh couns std 30m

    G0446 Intens behave ther cardio dx

    G0447 Behavior counsel obesity 15m

    G0459 Telehealth inpt pharm mgmt

    G0506 Comp asses care plan ccm svc

    G0508 Crit care telehea consult 60

    G0509 Crit care telehea consult 50

    G0513 Prolong prev svcs, first 30m

    G0514 Prolong prev svcs, addl 30m

    G2086 Off base opioid tx 70min

    G2087 Off base opioid tx, 60 m

    G2088 Off base opioid tx, add30

    G2211 Complex E/M visit add on

    G2212 Prolong outpt/office vis

    G9685 Acute nursing facility care

    COVID-19 Vaccine Updates

    The AMA released on Jan 19, 2021,  A fourth COVID-19 vaccine code has been released by the American Medical Association, along with an administration code.  

    91303 - Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, DNA, spike protein, adenovirus type 26 (Ad26) vector, preservative free, 5x1010 viral particles/0.5mL dosage, for intramuscular use

    0031A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, DNA, spike protein, adenovirus type 26 (Ad26) vector, preservative-free, 5x1010 viral particles/0.5mL dosage, single dose

    The Janssen COVID-19 vaccine EUA/approval, providers will report 0031A for the administration of vaccine 91303

    Note that Janssen is a single-dose vaccine, requiring a single administration. Providers will not have any reason to report 0031A more than once for a patient in any given year. 

    The AMA has also released a National Drug Code: NDC 59676-0580-05.  

    The CMS released a list of CPT codes for COVID-19 vaccines which is administered through the intramuscular and approved the below Vaccine/Product Name 

    • Pfizer
    • Moderna 
    • AstraZeneca
    • Janssen


    91300 - Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative free, 30 mcg/0.3mL dosage, diluent reconstituted, for intramuscular use

    0001A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative free, 30 mcg/0.3mL dosage, diluent reconstituted; first dose

    0002A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative free, 30 mcg/0.3mL dosage, diluent reconstituted; second dose



    91301 - Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative free, 100 mcg/0.5mL dosage, for intramuscular use

    0011A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative free, 100 mcg/0.5mL dosage; first dose

    0012A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, mRNA-LNP, spike protein, preservative free, 100 mcg/0.5mL dosage; second dose


    91302 - Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, DNA, spike protein, chimpanzee adenovirus Oxford 1 (ChAdOx1) vector, preservative free, 5x1010 viral particles/0.5mL dosage, for intramuscular use

    0021A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, DNA, spike protein, chimpanzee adenovirus Oxford 1 (ChAdOx1) vector, preservative free, 5x1010 viral particles/0.5mL dosage; first dose

    0022A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, DNA, spike protein, chimpanzee adenovirus Oxford 1 (ChAdOx1) vector, preservative free, 5x1010 viral particles/0.5mL dosage; second dose


    91303 - Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, DNA, spike protein, adenovirus type 26 (Ad26) vector, preservative free, 5x1010 viral particles/0.5mL dosage, for intramuscular use

    0031A - Immunization administration by intramuscular injection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) vaccine, DNA, spike protein, adenovirus type 26 (Ad26) vector, preservative free, 5x1010 viral particles/0.5mL dosage, single dose

    ICD 10 CM Updates

    Telehealth Updates – April 2025 Extension Through September 30, 2025

    Telehealth Extended to September 30th, 2025 The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) has received numerous inquiries regarding the ...