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CPT Changes - New CPT Codes '2024

The summary of the New, Revised, and Deleted CPT code across all the sections of the CPT codes below,

  • New – 230 Codes 
  • Revised – 70 Codes 
  • Deleted – 49 Codes

Presenting the significant 2024 updates related to Evaluation and Management, Here's a concise overview of the latest changes.

Evaluation & Management:

Time ranges eliminated from office/outpatient E/M codes.

Replaced with a single total time amount, set as the lowest number of minutes in the current range for each code.

New descriptors stress that practitioners must meet or exceed this specified time. Shared the required time spent details for each E&M code.

New CPT Codes

0420U Oncology (urothelial), mRNA expression profiling by real-time quantitative PCR of MDK, HOXA13, CDC2, IGFBP5, and CXCR2 in combination with droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) analysis of 6 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genes TERT and FGFR3, urine, algorithm reported as a risk score for urothelial carcinoma

0421U Oncology (colorectal) screening, quantitative real-time target and signal amplification of 8 RNA markers (GAPDH, SMAD4, ACY1, AREG, CDH1, KRAS, TNFRSF10B, EGLN2) and fecal hemoglobin, algorithm reported as a positive or negative for colorectal cancer risk

0422U Oncology (pan-solid tumor), analysis of DNA biomarker response to anti-cancer therapy using cell-free circulating DNA, biomarker comparison to a previous baseline pre-treatment cell-free circulating DNA analysis using next-generation sequencing, algorithm reported as a quantitative change from baseline, including specific alterations, if appropriate

0423U Psychiatry (eg, depression, anxiety), genomic analysis panel, including variant analysis of 26 genes, buccal swab, report including metabolizer status and risk of drug toxicity by condition

0424U Oncology (prostate), exosome-based analysis of 53 small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), urine, reported as no molecular evidence, low-, moderate- or elevated-risk of prostate cancer

0425U Genome (eg, unexplained constitutional or heritable disorder or syndrome), rapid sequence analysis, each comparator genome (eg, parents, siblings)

0426U Genome (eg, unexplained constitutional or heritable disorder or syndrome), ultra-rapid sequence analysis

0427U Monocyte distribution width, whole blood (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0428U Oncology (breast), targeted hybrid-capture genomic sequence analysis panel, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis of 56 or more genes, interrogation for sequence variants, gene copy number amplifications, gene rearrangements, microsatellite instability, and tumor mutation burden

0429U Human papillomavirus (HPV), oropharyngeal swab, 14 high-risk types (ie, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68)

0430U Gastroenterology, malabsorption evaluation of alpha-1-antitrypsin, calprotectin, pancreatic elastase and reducing substances, feces, quantitative

0431U Glycine receptor alpha1 IgG, serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), live cell-binding assay (LCBA), qualitative

0432U Kelch-like protein 11 (KLHL11) antibody, serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), cell-binding assay, qualitative

0433U Oncology (prostate), 5 DNA regulatory markers by quantitative PCR, whole blood, algorithm, including prostate-specific antigen, reported as likelihood of cancer

0434U Drug metabolism (adverse drug reactions and drug response), genomic analysis panel, variant analysis of 25 genes with reported phenotypes

0435U Oncology, chemotherapeutic drug cytotoxicity assay of cancer stem cells (CSCs), from cultured CSCs and primary tumor cells, categorical drug response reported based on cytotoxicity percentage observed, minimum of 14 drugs or drug combinations

0436U Oncology (lung), plasma analysis of 388 proteins, using aptamer-based proteomics technology, predictive algorithm reported as clinical benefit from immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy

0437U Psychiatry (anxiety disorders), mRNA, gene expression profiling by RNA sequencing of 15 biomarkers, whole blood, algorithm reported as predictive risk score

0438U Drug metabolism (adverse drug reactions and drug response), buccal specimen, gene-drug interactions, variant analysis of 33 genes, including deletion/duplication analysis of CYP2D6, including reported phenotypes and impacted gene-drug interactions

0784T Insertion or replacement of percutaneous electrode array, spinal, with integrated neurostimulator, including imaging guidance, when performed

0785T Revision or removal of neurostimulator electrode array, spinal, with integrated neurostimulator

0786T Insertion or replacement of percutaneous electrode array, sacral, with integrated neurostimulator, including imaging guidance, when performed

0787T Revision or removal of neurostimulator electrode array, sacral, with integrated neurostimulator

0788T Electronic analysis with simple programming of implanted integrated neurostimulation system (eg, electrode array and receiver), including contact group(s), amplitude, pulse width, frequency (Hz), on/off cycling, burst, dose lockout, patient-selectable parameters, responsive neurostimulation, detection algorithms, closed-loop parameters, and passive parameters, when performed by physician or other qualified health care professional, spinal cord or sacral nerve, 1-3 parameters

0789T Electronic analysis with complex programming of implanted integrated neurostimulation system (eg, electrode array and receiver), including contact group(s), amplitude, pulse width, frequency (Hz), on/off cycling, burst, dose lockout, patient-selectable parameters, responsive neurostimulation, detection algorithms, closed-loop parameters, and passive parameters, when performed by physician or other qualified health care professional, spinal cord or sacral nerve, 4 or more parameters

0790T Revision (eg, augmentation, division of tether), replacement, or removal of thoracolumbar or lumbar vertebral body tethering, including thoracoscopy, when performed

0811T Remote multi-day complex uroflowmetry (eg, calibrated electronic equipment); set-up and patient education on use of equipment

0812T Remote multi-day complex uroflowmetry (eg, calibrated electronic equipment); device supply with automated report generation, up to 10 days

0813T Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, flexible, transoral, with volume adjustment of intragastric bariatric balloon

0814T Percutaneous injection of calcium-based biodegradable osteoconductive material, proximal femur, including imaging guidance, unilateral

0815T Ultrasound-based radiofrequency echographic multi-spectrometry (REMS), bone-density study and fracture-risk assessment, 1 or more sites, hips, pelvis, or spine

0816T Open insertion or replacement of integrated neurostimulation system for bladder dysfunction including electrode(s) (eg, array or leadless), and pulse generator or receiver, including analysis, programming, and imaging guidance, when performed, posterior tibial nerve; subcutaneous

0817T Open insertion or replacement of integrated neurostimulation system for bladder dysfunction including electrode(s) (eg, array or leadless), and pulse generator or receiver, including analysis, programming, and imaging guidance, when performed, posterior tibial nerve; subfascial

0818T Revision or removal of integrated neurostimulation system for bladder dysfunction, including analysis, programming, and imaging, when performed, posterior tibial nerve; subcutaneous

0819T Revision or removal of integrated neurostimulation system for bladder dysfunction, including analysis, programming, and imaging, when performed, posterior tibial nerve; subfascial

0820T Continuous in-person monitoring and intervention (eg, psychotherapy, crisis intervention), as needed, during psychedelic medication therapy; first physician or other qualified health care professional, each hour

0821T Continuous in-person monitoring and intervention (eg, psychotherapy, crisis intervention), as needed, during psychedelic medication therapy; second physician or other qualified health care professional, concurrent with first physician or other qualified health care professional, each hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0822T Continuous in-person monitoring and intervention (eg, psychotherapy, crisis intervention), as needed, during psychedelic medication therapy; clinical staff under the direction of a physician or other qualified health care professional, concurrent with first physician or other qualified health care professional, each hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0823T Transcatheter insertion of permanent single-chamber leadless pacemaker, right atrial, including imaging guidance (eg, fluoroscopy, venous ultrasound, right atrial angiography and/or right ventriculography, femoral venography, cavography) and device evaluation (eg, interrogation or programming), when performed

0824T Transcatheter removal of permanent single-chamber leadless pacemaker, right atrial, including imaging guidance (eg, fluoroscopy, venous ultrasound, right atrial angiography and/or right ventriculography, femoral venography, cavography), when performed

0825T Transcatheter removal and replacement of permanent single-chamber leadless pacemaker, right atrial, including imaging guidance (eg, fluoroscopy, venous ultrasound, right atrial angiography and/or right ventriculography, femoral venography, cavography) and device evaluation (eg, interrogation or programming), when performed

0826T Programming device evaluation (in person) with iterative adjustment of the implantable device to test the function of the device and select optimal permanent programmed values with analysis, review and report by a physician or other qualified health care professional, leadless pacemaker system in single-cardiac chamber

0827T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, fluids, washings, or brushings, except cervical or vaginal; smears with interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0828T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, fluids, washings, or brushings, except cervical or vaginal; simple filter method with interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0829T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, concentration technique, smears, and interpretation (eg, Saccomanno technique) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0830T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, selective-cellular enhancement technique with interpretation (eg, liquid-based slide preparation method), except cervical or vaginal (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0831T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, cervical or vaginal (any reporting system), requiring interpretation by physician (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0832T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, smears, any other source; screening and interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0833T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, smears, any other source; preparation, screening and interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0834T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, smears, any other source; extended study involving over 5 slides and/or multiple stains (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0835T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, evaluation of fine needle aspirate; immediate cytohistologic study to determine adequacy for diagnosis, first evaluation episode, each site (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0836T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, evaluation of fine needle aspirate; immediate cytohistologic study to determine adequacy for diagnosis, each separate additional evaluation episode, same site (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0837T Digitization of glass microscope slides for cytopathology, evaluation of fine needle aspirate; interpretation and report (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0838T Digitization of glass microscope slides for consultation and report on referred slides prepared elsewhere (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0839T Digitization of glass microscope slides for consultation and report on referred material requiring preparation of slides (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0840T Digitization of glass microscope slides for consultation, comprehensive, with review of records and specimens, with report on referred material (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0841T Digitization of glass microscope slides for pathology consultation during surgery; first tissue block, with frozen section(s), single specimen (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0842T Digitization of glass microscope slides for pathology consultation during surgery; each additional tissue block with frozen section(s) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0843T Digitization of glass microscope slides for pathology consultation during surgery; cyt-ologic examination (eg, touch preparation, squash preparation), initial site (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0844T Digitization of glass microscope slides for pathology consultation during surgery; cytologic examination (eg, touch preparation, squash preparation), each additional site (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0845T Digitization of glass microscope slides for immunofluorescence, per specimen; initial single antibody stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0846T Digitization of glass microscope slides for immunofluorescence, per specimen; each additional single antibody stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0847T Digitization of glass microscope slides for examination and selection of retrieved archival (ie, previously diagnosed) tissue(s) for molecular analysis (eg, KRAS mutational analysis) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0848T Digitization of glass microscope slides for in situ hybridization (eg, FISH), per specimen; initial single probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0849T Digitization of glass microscope slides for in situ hybridization (eg, FISH), per specimen; each additional single probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0850T Digitization of glass microscope slides for in situ hybridization (eg, FISH), per specimen; each multiplex probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0851T Digitization of glass microscope slides for morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semiquantitative), manual, per specimen; initial single probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0852T Digitization of glass microscope slides for morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semiquantitative), manual, per specimen; each additional single probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0853T Digitization of glass microscope slides for morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semiquantitative), manual, per specimen; each multiplex probe stain procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0854T Digitization of glass microscope slides for blood smear, peripheral, interpretation by physician with written report (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0855T Digitization of glass microscope slides for bone marrow, smear interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0856T Digitization of glass microscope slides for electron microscopy, diagnostic (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0857T Opto-acoustic imaging, breast, unilateral, including axilla when performed, real-time with image documentation, augmentative analysis and report (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0858T Externally applied transcranial magnetic stimulation with concomitant measurement of evoked cortical potentials with automated report

0859T Noncontact near-infrared spectroscopy (eg, for measurement of deoxyhemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin, and ratio of tissue oxygenation), other than for screening for peripheral arterial disease, image acquisition, interpretation, and report; each additional anatomic site (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

0860T Noncontact near-infrared spectroscopy (eg, for measurement of deoxyhemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin, and ratio of tissue oxygenation), for screening for peripheral arterial disease, including provocative maneuvers, image acquisition, interpretation, and report, one or both lower extremities

0861T Removal of pulse generator for wireless cardiac stimulator for left ventricular pacing; both components (battery and transmitter)

0862T Relocation of pulse generator for wireless cardiac stimulator for left ventricular pacing, including device interrogation and programming; battery component only

0863T Relocation of pulse generator for wireless cardiac stimulator for left ventricular pacing, including device interrogation and programming; transmitter component only

0864T Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy involving corpus cavernosum, low energy

0865T Quantitative magnetic resonance image (MRI) analysis of the brain with comparison to prior magnetic resonance (MR) study(ies), including lesion identification, characterization, and quantification, with brain volume(s) quantification and/or severity score, when performed, data preparation and transmission, interpretation and report, obtained without diagnostic MRI examination of the brain during the same session

0866T Quantitative magnetic resonance image (MRI) analysis of the brain with comparison to prior magnetic resonance (MR) study(ies), including lesion detection, characterization, and quantification, with brain volume(s) quantification and/or severity score, when performed, data preparation and transmission, interpretation and report, obtained with diagnostic MRI examination of the brain (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

22836 Anterior thoracic vertebral body tethering, including thoracoscopy, when performed; up to 7 vertebral segments

22837 Anterior thoracic vertebral body tethering, including thoracoscopy, when performed; 8 or more vertebral segments

22838 Revision (eg, augmentation, division of tether), replacement, or removal of thoracic vertebral body tethering, including thoracoscopy, when performed

27278 Arthrodesis, sacroiliac joint, percutaneous, with image guidance, including placement of intra-articular implant(s) (eg, bone allograft[s], synthetic device[s]), without placement of transfixation device

31242 Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surgical; with destruction by radiofrequency ablation, posterior nasal nerve

31243 Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surgical; with destruction by cryoablation, posterior nasal nerve

33276 Insertion of phrenic nerve stimulator system (pulse generator and stimulating lead[s]), including vessel catheterization, all imaging guidance, and pulse generator initial analysis with diagnostic mode activation, when performed

+33277 Insertion of phrenic nerve stimulator transvenous sensing lead (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

33278 Removal of phrenic nerve stimulator, including vessel catheterization, all imaging guidance, and interrogation and programming, when performed; system, including pulse generator and lead(s)

33279 Removal of phrenic nerve stimulator, including vessel catheterization, all imaging guidance, and interrogation and programming, when performed; transvenous stimulation or sensing lead(s) only

33280 Removal of phrenic nerve stimulator, including vessel catheterization, all imaging guidance, and interrogation and programming, when performed; pulse generator only

33281 Repositioning of phrenic nerve stimulator transvenous lead(s)

33287 Removal and replacement of phrenic nerve stimulator, including vessel catheterization, all imaging guidance, and interrogation and programming, when performed; pulse generator

33288 Removal and replacement of phrenic nerve stimulator, including vessel catheterization, all imaging guidance, and interrogation and programming, when performed; transvenous stimulation or sensing lead(s)

52284 Cystourethroscopy, with mechanical urethral dilation and urethral therapeutic drug delivery by drug-coated balloon catheter for urethral stricture or stenosis, male, including fluoroscopy, when performed

58580 Transcervical ablation of uterine fibroid(s), including intraoperative ultrasound guidance and monitoring, radiofrequency

61889 Insertion of skull-mounted cranial neurostimulator pulse generator or receiver, including craniectomy or craniotomy, when performed, with direct or inductive coupling, with connection to depth and/or cortical strip electrode array(s)

61891 Revision or replacement of skull-mounted cranial neurostimulator pulse generator or receiver with connection to depth and/or cortical strip electrode array(s)

61892 Removal of skull-mounted cranial neurostimulator pulse generator or receiver with cranioplasty, when performed

64596 Insertion or replacement of percutaneous electrode array, peripheral nerve, with integrated neurostimulator, including imaging guidance, when performed; initial electrode array

+64597 Insertion or replacement of percutaneous electrode array, peripheral nerve, with integrated neurostimulator, including imaging guidance, when performed; each additional electrode array (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

64598 Revision or removal of neurostimulator electrode array, peripheral nerve, with integrated neurostimulator

67516 Suprachoroidal space injection of pharmacologic agent (separate procedure)

75580 Noninvasive estimate of coronary fractional flow reserve (FFR) derived from augmentative software analysis of the data set from a coronary computed tomography angiography, with interpretation and report by a physician or other qualified health care professional

76984 Ultrasound, intraoperative thoracic aorta (eg, epiaortic), diagnostic

76987 Intraoperative epicardial cardiac ultrasound (ie, echocardiography) for congenital heart disease, diagnostic; including placement and manipulation of transducer, image acquisition, interpretation and report

76988 Intraoperative epicardial cardiac ultrasound (ie, echocardiography) for congenital heart disease, diagnostic; placement, manipulation of transducer, and image acquisition only

76989 Intraoperative epicardial cardiac ultrasound (ie, echocardiography) for congenital heart disease, diagnostic; interpretation and report only

81457 Solid organ neoplasm, genomic sequence analysis panel, interrogation for sequence variants; DNA analysis, microsatellite instability

81458 Solid organ neoplasm, genomic sequence analysis panel, interrogation for sequence variants; DNA analysis, copy number variants and microsatellite instability

81459 Solid organ neoplasm, genomic sequence analysis panel, interrogation for sequence variants; DNA analysis or combined DNA and RNA analysis, copy number variants, microsatellite instability, tumor mutation burden, and rearrangements

81462 Solid organ neoplasm, genomic sequence analysis panel, cell-free nucleic acid (eg, plasma), interrogation for sequence variants; DNA analysis or combined DNA and RNA analysis, copy number variants and rearrangements

81463 Solid organ neoplasm, genomic sequence analysis panel, cell-free nucleic acid (eg, plasma), interrogation for sequence variants; DNA analysis, copy number variants, and microsatellite instability

81464 Solid organ neoplasm, genomic sequence analysis panel, cell-free nucleic acid (eg, plasma), interrogation for sequence variants; DNA analysis or combined DNA and RNA analysis, copy number variants, microsatellite instability, tumor mutation burden, and rearrangements

81517 Liver disease, analysis of 3 biomarkers (hyaluronic acid [HA], procollagen III amino terminal peptide [PIIINP], tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 [TIMP-1]), using immunoassays, utilizing serum, prognostic algorithm reported as a risk score and risk of liver fibrosis and liver-related clinical events within 5 years

82166 Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH)

86041 Acetylcholine receptor (AChR); binding antibody

86042 Acetylcholine receptor (AChR); blocking antibody

86043 Acetylcholine receptor (AChR); modulating antibody

86366 Muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) antibody

87523 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); hepatitis D (delta), quantification, including reverse transcription, when performed

90589 Chikungunya virus vaccine, live attenuated, for intramuscular use

90623 Meningococcal pentavalent vaccine, conjugated Men A, C, W, Y- tetanus toxoid carrier, and Men B-FHbp, for intramuscular use

90679 Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, preF, recombinant, subunit, adjuvanted, for intramuscular use

90380 Respiratory syncytial virus, monoclonal antibody, seasonal dose; 0.5 mL dosage, for intramuscular use

90381 Respiratory syncytial virus, monoclonal antibody, seasonal dose; 1 mL dosage, for intramuscular use 

90683 Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, mRNA lipid nanoparticles,for intramuscular use 

92622 Diagnostic analysis, programming, and verification of an auditory osseointegrated sound processor, any type; first 60 minutes

+92623 Diagnostic analysis, programming, and verification of an auditory osseointegrated sound processor, any type; each additional 15 minutes (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

92972 Percutaneous transluminal coronary lithotripsy (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

93150 Therapy activation of implanted phrenic nerve stimulator system, including all interrogation and programming

93151 Interrogation and programming (minimum one parameter) of implanted phrenic nerve stimulator system

93152 Interrogation and programming of implanted phrenic nerve stimulator system during polysomnography

93153 Interrogation without programming of implanted phrenic nerve stimulator system

+93584 Venography for congenital heart defect(s), including catheter placement, and radiological supervision and interpretation; anomalous or persistent superior vena cava when it exists as a second contralateral superior vena cava, with native drainage to heart (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

+93585 Venography for congenital heart defect(s), including catheter placement, and radiological supervision and interpretation; azygos/hemiazygos venous system (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

+93586 Venography for congenital heart defect(s), including catheter placement, and radiological supervision and interpretation; coronary sinus (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

+93587 Venography for congenital heart defect(s), including catheter placement, and radiological supervision and interpretation; venovenous collaterals originating at or above the heart (eg, from innominate vein) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

+93588 Venography for congenital heart defect(s), including catheter placement, and radiological supervision and interpretation; venovenous collaterals originating below the heart (eg, from the inferior vena cava) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

+96547 Intraoperative hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) procedure, including separate incision(s) and closure, when performed; first 60 minutes (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

+96548 Intraoperative hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) procedure, including separate incision(s) and closure, when performed; each additional 30 minutes (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

97037 Application of a modality to 1 or more areas; low-level laser therapy (ie, nonthermal and non-ablative) for post-operative pain reduction

97550 Caregiver training in strategies and techniques to facilitate the patient’s functional performance in the home or community (eg, activities of daily living [ADLs], instrumental ADLs [iADLs], transfers, mobility, communication, swallowing, feeding, problem solving, safety practices) (without the patient present), face to face; initial 30 minutes

97551 Caregiver training in strategies and techniques to facilitate the patient’s functional performance in the home or community (eg, activities of daily living [ADLs], instrumental ADLs [iADLs], transfers, mobility, communication, swallowing, feeding, problem solving, safety practices) (without the patient present), face to face; each additional 15 minutes (List separately in addition to code for primary service)

97552 Group caregiver training in strategies and techniques to facilitate the patient's functional performance in the home or community (eg, activities of daily living [ADLs], instrumental ADLs [iADLs], transfers, mobility, communication, swallowing, feeding, problem solving, safety practices) (without the patient present), face to face with multiple sets of caregivers

+99459 Pelvic examination (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

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ICD 10 CM Updates

Telephone & Telehealth CPT Code Changes’2025

Evaluation & Management (E&M) Changes One major update is the addition of 17 new telemedicine codes, categorized for real-time audio...